The most important golf club, putter, and ball


Golf is a sport in which you have to put the ball into a hole cup through swings and shots.

To send it far away, there is a driver, a wood, an iron, a wedge for a close approach, and a putter for putting the ball in the final hole cup.

In this episode, we will learn about putters and golf balls.

The importance of putters

A golf putter is a type of club used to roll a golf ball close to the green.

Putter is one of the most important clubs among golf clubs, and it is the most used and most important club among the 14 clubs that are manufactured in various shapes and sizes and can fit in golf bags.

The type of putter is classified by the shape of the head.

1. Types of putters according to head shapes

a) Blade type:

Blade putter is the most traditional putter shape and is named because it has a straight blade shape.

The head is small and the center of gravity is centered and used for accurate putting.<

Blade Type Golf Putter Image

b) Mallet type putter (Mallet type):

The mallet putter has a larger head and a higher center of gravity than the blade putter.

The shape of the putter head is wide, round, and there are half-moon, fork, two-ball, and other variations.

The large head provides stability, has a wider sweet spot and is used to roll the golf ball more accurately.

half-moon type golf putter image

2. Matters to consider when selecting a putter

a) Sense:

The sense of putter is very important.

The sense of the putter is determined by the pace of the putter and the thickness of the grip, and is very important for rolling the golf ball close to the green.

b) Appearance:

The shape of the putter depends on factors such as the length, weight, and thickness of the grip of the golf club, and the shape depends on the preference of the person using the golf club.

c) Length:

The length of a putter depends on the height of the person using the club, and if the putter is too short, it is difficult to roll the golf ball close to the green. If the putter is too long, it is difficult to roll the golf ball far from the green.

d) Loft angle:

The loft angle of a putter is usually 3 to 4. When rolling a golf ball close to the green, a low loft angle makes it difficult to roll the golf ball close to the green, and a high loft angle makes it difficult to roll the golf ball far from the green.

Consider the above factors and select a putter according to the golfer’s budget.

And it is good to choose a putter according to the skill and personal preference of the person who uses the golf club.

3. golf ball

a) Specifications and specifications of golf balls

The rule states that golf balls must be larger than 1.68 inches (42.67 mm) and weigh less than 1.62 ounces (45.93 g).

The diameter and weight vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer, but the manufactured golf balls must be approved after testing by R&A and golf associations in each country, and unapproved golf balls cannot be used in competitions.

Golf ball image

In the 17th century, wooden golf balls made of beech were mainly used, but it was difficult to fly more than 75m.

Since then, golf balls have gradually improved through materials such as cowhide and feathers, but with the emergence of rubber golf balls in the mid-to-late 19th century, they have a similar shape to today.

b) The dimple of the golf ball

A golf ball dimple is a term that refers to a small hole or recess on the surface of a golf ball.

In the early 20th century, it was discovered that making a small dimple on a golf ball reduces air resistance, which can further improve the orientation, spin, and distance of the ball.

These dimples help reduce air resistance and keep the ball stable, allowing it to fly far, and also help maintain the correct flight path by controlling the rotation of the ball.

The number and pattern of dimples vary for each brand’s golf ball, and it is known to affect the performance of the golf ball.

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