Sense and rhythm are the most important things in golf putting.

The rhythm of golf putting.

The putting rhythm acts like a lubricant for a stroke. World-class golfers perform almost every putting brilliantly even on days when they are not in good condition. The secret is the sense of rhythm.

In putting, the rhythm is the part where there is no correct answer. Stay true to the essence of putting, set a standard, and find your own rhythm while practicing.

This allows you to improve your putting posture, increase your distance, and develop and improve your own rhythm.

Being good at putting is important to put a long-distance putting into the hole cup, but a golfer who always puts a short-distance putting, that is, a golfer who puts a short-distance putting, is good at putting.

To avoid missing a close-range putt, it is to have a sense of distance and direction, i.e., the ability to send the ball in the direction I want.

It is important to have a rhythm to maintain a good putting posture and improve direction and distance.

So let’s take a closer look at how you can find your own rhythm.<<

Golf putting image

1. Finding your own golf swing rhythm.

1) Rhythm is the core of golf swing, let’s figure out your walking speed.

Rhythm is the core of golf swing and is the most important factor in increasing distance. Studies have shown that there is a proportional relationship between the speed of footsteps and the rhythm of the swing, and people who walk quickly usually have a fast swing rhythm.

They are short-tempered, and they also show a fast rhythm in their swings.

On the other hand, people who usually walk slowly have a slow swing rhythm. They are calmer and slower in personality, so they show a slow rhythm even in their swings.

Therefore, you must also know whether your steps are fast or slow in order to find a proper sense of rhythm.

2) The pace and rhythm of world-class golfers

World-renowned professional golfers Ernie Els and legendary golfer Sam Snead usually walk leisurely in the hole. Their swing rhythm allows them to feel relaxed.

Tiger Woods, on the other hand, walks vigorously and confidently in a hole, and his swing rhythm is also powerful and fast. This is an example that shows there is a relationship between walking and rhythm.

3) Close your eyes and practice the beat to find the rhythm

After holding the putter, close your eyes and count the number of times you have traveled comfortably like a pendulum for 30 seconds. The number of times you come out multiplied by 2 is your personal rhythm. It usually has a rhythm of 70 to 85 beats per minute.

-Enter the number (70 to 85 times) you recorded the beat and practice putting strokes.

Practice the “tick” backswing and “tick” strokes to the rhythm.

If you practice putting strokes with a rhythm in your mind with a “tick-tick” sound, you can improve your rhythm through smooth strokes and constant distribution of power,

It makes you feel directional and distant in short putting.

Justin Thomas's putting image

4) Finding a sense of rhythm by practicing the pendulum

In putting, pendulum practice improves swing rhythm and helps maintain a constant putting stroke. Use the method below to find rhythm by practicing pendulum

a. Preparing to practice the pendulum

-Stand with a golf club on your shoulder and align your upper body comfortably.

-Put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.

b. Exercise the pendulum movement of the clock, back stroke

-Shake your upper body from side to side and feel like you’re a pendulum.

– Check the rhythm by making a ‘knock, knock’ sound.

The rhythm of both shoulders is reminiscent of the pendulum rhythm and the left and right shoulders should be down-up and up-down.

Regardless of the rhythm, the lower body focuses on the breakdown and swings only with the upper body rhythm.

You have to put the pendulum as if it’s moving “tick”. You have to keep a constant rhythm when switching to the back stroke and down stroke.

Stop for 1 second at the end of the backstroke and check that the lower body is still.

Focus on fixing the lower body even during downstroke and the gaze is fixing the ball position.

c. Practice the movement of the pendulum, stroke, finish

Stop at the finish for a second and make sure your gaze is looking at the position you were looking at.

Don’t let your eyes or head follow your cheeks.

Also check if the clubhead is facing the target direction.,<<

putting image

2. Putting is a sense of distance. How to learn the sense of distance

1) Distance Adjustment Practice for Short Putting

a. Putting Address

When practicing short putting swings that send about 6 meters, roll the ball with both hands positioned only up to the middle of the right thigh during the putback stroke. Find the distance by sending the ball exactly 6 meters.

b. Maintaining a constant rhythm

You don’t care about backstrokes when you putt. You can maintain considerable accuracy in distance and direction by putting with only the front target in mind.

c. Set reference points

Put a putting distance of eight steps (7m) with the idea of hitting a ball one step further away. For a putting distance of about 12 steps (10m), take a position of about one and a half steps or two steps as a reference point and putt based on that reference point.

d. Check green speed reference point

Green speed may vary from golf course to golf course. Set an accurate standard for putting distance before rounding. A typical green has a greenspeed of 2.5 m.

2) Long-putting distance control practice

a. Putting Address

When practicing long putting swings that send a distance of more than 15 meters, place both hands on your right thigh during putback strokes, maintain some open stances to the desired positions, and focus on comfortably adjusting your distance.

b. Maintaining a constant rhythm

When you put long strokes, try to bring the same size as your back stroke. Long putting is more distance than direction.

Use your right hand to match the distance through the practice stroke, and when you actually stroke, stroke with the same rhythm as you felt when practicing.

c. Set reference points

For distances above 15 m, putt with the idea of hitting a ball at a distance of 2 m in front. For distances above that, take a distance of 5 m, or more as a reference point, and putt with that reference point as your target.

d. Check the green speed

Green speed may vary from golf course to golf course. Set an accurate standard for putting distance before rounding. A typical green has a greenspeed of 2.5 m.

3. Conclusion in Golf Swing Rhythm Practice

In putting, rhythm is the core of golf swing. Try different ways to find your own rhythm. Practice is an important factor and can improve consistent stroke and distance.<<<

Tiger Woods putting image

If you practice repeatedly in the above way, you can have a sense of direction and distance.

Be Courageous! Golf is a process of challenge and growth. Improve your swing by finding your rhythm, practicing with your eyes closed, and practicing pendulum.

And measure the distance with your right hand, that is, one hand, and stroke it.

You can become a better golfer with faith and passion. Let’s do well!

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