Learning golf backswing takeback

Learning the most important backswing takeback in golf

Learn more about Take Back, which is one of the foundations of golf swing and must be learned to improve your golf skills.

Takeback is the first step in golf backswing, how important is this move and how should I perform it properly?

1. The Importance of Takeback

A takeback is a motion that signals the beginning of a backswing. If this motion is not done correctly, the entire swing can become disorganized.

Let’s explain in a simple metaphor how important a takeback is?

Just as the first piece of a domino needs to be set well so that the rest of the dominoes fall one after another, the backswing, impact, and finish naturally follow only when the takeback is done properly.

2. Correct takeback action

When starting a takeback, the most important thing is to keep your left arm open. Starting with your left shoulder, you must continue your swing in order of arms, hands, and clubs. This is the most important point.

Remember!!! Arms, hands, clubs!!!

This way, you can make a natural and correct takeback.

Correct takeback motion image photo

3. The order of body rotation

Did you know that there is an order of body rotation? It should be rotated in the order of shoulders, waist, and knees.

It’s important. Remember! Shoulders, waist, knees!!!

You should start turning your hips when your shoulder turns 45 degrees to the right, making sure your right knee is not out of address position.

Only through this process will the swing trajectory remain stable without shaking.

4. The importance of weight movement

Weight transfer is an important part of increasing distance. Golfers who feel they lack distance can’t increase distance without weight transfer.

When backswing, the weight moves to the right, but it must be placed on the inner part of the sole, not the outer part.

It’s an important point. Remember! The inside of the soles of the feet!!!!

This allows you to implement a powerful swing using your entire body without swinging only with the strength of your arm.

Shoulder rotation must be sufficient to ensure weight movement.

Image of weight movement during takeback

Now you know the importance of takeback and how it works correctly?

Golf is a microscopic sport in which every little detail greatly affects your overall swing. If you practice and master takebacks correctly, you will be able to make a better swing.

As a result, you can catch two rabbits, direction and distance, which are what they want. Hope your golfing skills take you to the next level and have a great golfing life!

Now go out to the golf course and practice your own takeback. Practice makes it perfect!

See the next episode for how to practice takeback ^^

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