Learn how to putt nicely in golf, hook lie

All about putting in hook lies

It can be said that putting in Hook Lie corresponds to many situations that can occur in golf.

Last time, I looked at the effective putting method in Slice Lie, and it can be said that Straight Lies account for about 10% and Slice Lies and Hook Lies account for 40% each.

This technique in hook lies is one of the important techniques in sending the ball into the hole.

This technology allows the ball to roll toward the right side of the hole and then bend to the left at the end,

It is especially useful when you want to adjust the ball rolling in an unexpected direction around the hole.<<<

Hook line putting image

1. Basic Principles of Putting in Hook Lies

1) the position of the ball

Address the ball with the back of the stance than usual. This will cause the putter head to hit the ball with the face open before it reaches the impact point.

2) swing direction

In-out swing aimed at the right side of the hole, the ball hits the toe side of the putter.

2. Result of Hook Ripping

1) the trajectory of a ball

The ball rolls toward the right side of the hole and then bends to the left on the hook lai. This can help the ball get into the hole.

2) Technical tips for good putting in hook lies

Hook writing is a technique for more precise control of the ball in golf and sending it alone along a specific trajectory.

Let’s take a look at some additional tips for using this technology more effectively.

3. Advanced Tips for Putting in Hook Lies

1) adjustment of the position of the ball

In order to increase the success rate in hook lies, the ball must be positioned in front of the center of the putter face, i.e., on the toe side.

This is the opposite of placing the ball on the heel side rather than the center of the head face in the slice putting lye.

If you stroke it by positioning it on the toe side as the slope is more severe, you can make a good roll along the hook line that bends from right to left.

4. Smart putting method according to the putting line

1) Weight distribution and putter utilization

There is a way to properly utilize the weight distribution (set-up balance) and the toe and heel of the putter when putting.

This affects the smoothness and speed of the putting stroke and is a technique that can contribute to increasing the putting success rate.<

Hook line putting image


5. Clean up successful tips in hook putting lies

1) Key tips for hook putting lies

a. adjustment of the position of the ball

In the hook putting lye, the ball should be positioned in front of the head face rather than in the center; that is, it should be positioned on the toe side.

This is the opposite of placing the ball on the heel side rather than the center of the head face in the slice putting lye.

The more severe the slope in the hook putting lye, the better the roll can be made along the hook line that bends from right to left by positioning it on the toe side.

b. Understanding the putting line

When putting on a hook or slice line, it is important to accurately understand the path of the ball to reach the hole and adjust the strength and direction of the stroke accordingly.

The best putting line should be established by predicting the rolling path and speed of the ball.

putting hole-in image

It can be said that accurate positioning and line understanding are essential for putting on the hook line. If you apply these tips to actual practice and improve your putting technique, you will become a golf pro.

I hope you enjoy the practice time and cheer up!

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